Many of you may remember that when first useful operating systems came out on the market they were about 200 MB (megabytes). Nowadays everything is different.
For instance Linux distributions come on four or even more disks. But we must not forget that they include all kind of packages. Packages like open office, graphic design software, and many other useful features. Also by installing the selected unix distribution you can choose how many features to use, this way you can shape the disk usage on your computer.
When installing XP the required space for the operating system to work properly is about 1.5 GB. The operating system itself comes on a single installation CD of 700 MB. Of course you need to download all updates of the OS which will expand the space that you are using for your OS up to 1.5 GB. As for any other software you want to install you need licenses and free space.
Let’s take a closer look at windows Vista now. Vista requires 15GB of free space to work properly and comes with four installation CD’s or one installation DVD. As many people around I consider myself as a person who knows what 15 GB of code are, and note that the only thing changed in Vista seems to be the graphical interface of the operating system. So we have ten times larger operating system (compared with XP) that will deliver to us the same functionality - that is what seems disturbing here. First I thought, that this might be because Microsoft did try to fix many driver installation problems, but unfortunately I have already seen lots of blue screens during the installation. So once again why does Microsoft need 15 GB for an operating system that does not offer nothing new, except some eye catching features?! I don’t want to imagine what it could be for, but my guess is that a new Microsoft – Google war is to come on targeted ads or maybe someone out there needs free computing power. The future will show us the truth. I am also wondering what the real reasons of delaying Vista’s birth were.
(wow it's transperant)
I wrote this article not to give answers but to ask questions. These questions will probably stay without answers.
Internet is not a free community any more. We are being watched by everyone – Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and so on … Ask yourself how many toolbars you have installed locally on your machine?